Samsung Galaxy S23 Secret Photo Editing Feature

In the previous series, Samsung showed off a powerful new feature, which is able to automatically remove an object or a person from a photo just with a finger tap. Basically, full Photoshop edits in mere seconds, right at your fingertips. All these could be done by simply enabling Object Eraser in your Gallery app to begin editing your Photos.

This year with the Samsung Galaxy S23 series, Samsung created a hidden photo editing feature that enables us to extract objects with a long press. This feature had not been highly promoted by Samsung but we discovered it by accident.

This feature could help us to cut out the object and paste it into a new background (not sure if is it called the Focus Object Separation). What you could do is to long press to select the object that you have taken. Upon releasing it, there was a pop-up bubble where we could select Copy, Share, and Share as Image.

This hidden feature is by no means perfect and a talented Photoshop editor can definitely achieve better results… in a few hours of work. For what this Object Separation does in mere seconds — it’s very impressive, both in its capability to accurately highlight object borders of each photo.

Tech Release

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